Music Handbook for K-5 Teachers
compiled by Paulette Miller & Dr. Julia Ray (University)
(Used as a required text for university methodology courses)
This book is designed to move from the university to the elementary classroom without modification. LTM has taken music from all their books and from Wee Sing around the World, Get America Singing, & Bernstein’s Children’s Classics & written creative, engaging lessons, complete with hand-outs for elementary students, that prospective teachers can take directly from the university to their elementary classrooms.
The 304-page handbook includes:
- Standard and research-based lessons on the elements of music, using world folk music & the classics
- Kodály & Orff activities & music reading and writing practice
- Integrated activities for all subject areas
- Reproducibles for the elmentary classroom, including Instrument Bingo
Package includes: Music Handbook & CD, Recorder Book with CD, Peripole Recorder, halo & case, Get America Singing... Again Songbook, Bernstein Classics CD & Wee Sing Songbook & CD