Standards & Learing Theories
The National Standards
The publication of the U. S. National Standards for Education were a reaction to a report, “A Nation at Risk”, in which was stated, "The educational foundations of our society are presently being eroded by a rising tide of mediocrity that threatens our very future as a nation and a people. . . . We have, in effect been committing an act of unthinking, unilateral educational disarmament"
(National Commission on Excellence in Education, 1983). The report echoed the concerns of educators across the country. Within a surprising amount of time, the National Standards were published. Many states rewrote/rephrased the standards, but all are based on the National Standards.
LTM Music and Language Through Music are standard-based, siting the National
Standards in all their curricula. Obviously, the Music and English Language Arts
Standards are sited, as are the Social Studies Strands and Life Science Standards
with which many of their publications are aligned. In addition, because integration into
all corners of the curricula is a cornerstone of all LTM Music’s and Language Through
Music’s lessons, Dance, Theater, Visual Arts, Math, Technology, Physical Education
and Health standards are also listed.
For more information on the National Standards, go to:
Learning Theories
In order to teach, educators need to understand how students learn. All LTM Music’s
and Language Through Music’s lessons are based on leading learning theories. |